Dr. Gene Flanagan can restore your smile with custom dental crowns and bridges in Arlington, Texas. Schedule your consultation at 817-468-8600 to see if this treatment will be right for your needs. Our dentist and team look forward to caring for your smile needs.
Dental crowns and bridges are among the most common treatments available for restoring your smile. When you visit our office, Dr. Flanagan will carefully examine your mouth to determine if a dental crown or bridge is a good option for you, and create a customized treatment plan to help you regain a healthy smile.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns, or caps, are a restorative treatment that work by covering the entire visible portion of your tooth. This restores the strength, functionality and appearance of the tooth after it has sustained injury, tooth decay or other damage. Crowns are custom-made to fit your smile, and are bonded over the original tooth to cover and protect it from further damage. Crowns may also be placed atop dental implants or used to anchor a dental bridge if you are missing teeth.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are a replacement for your missing teeth. When you lose a tooth, your remaining teeth can shift out of position and cause you to develop a bad bite. This also makes it more difficult for you to chew and speak normally. Dental bridges close this gap between your teeth, literally “bridging” the gap in your smile and helping your remaining teeth to stay in their proper positions so that you can maintain a healthy bite. Bridges are usually anchored in placed by crowns, but may also be supported by a dental implant.
Both crowns and bridges typically take two appointments to complete, and are designed to provide a natural and long-lasting solution for your smile.
For more information about dental crowns and bridges and to schedule a consultation with our dentist, contact our office today.